Hombre, by Rafael Mendez

Rafael Méndez is a Spanish agency artist, who has worked extensively for the French and German markets. Between 1968 and 1973, he illustrated about 30 episodes of the French jungle series 'Kalar', created by Tomás Marco Nadal. In the 1970s he alternated with José Maria Ortiz and Jaime Forns on illustrating 'Super Boy', also for the French publisher Impéria.

Through the Bardon Art agency, he was present in Germany from 1972, with the jungle series 'Bimba' in Rolf Kauka's adult magazine Pip. This was followed by 'Kuma', a jungle series for children, published in the Kauka magazine Primo, as well as the Action Comic album and Super Action pockets. The writer was Peter Wiechmann, with whom Mendez also created the western 'Hombre' in Yps (1978-80) and an adaptation of 'Dietrich von Bern' for Fix und Foxi Extra (1981-82). He left the field in the mid-1980s.

Kuma, by Rafael Mendez

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